Me again.
This one is, obviously, better than your first one. The beginning kind had me in a state of confusion, but it passed as Bitey woke up. I must say, the plot development has improved, and the animation of the prowlies had me astounded. Also, this one included violence. (YIPEEEEE!!!!!) But I've seen a lot of reviews and I'd just like to point out to the people...
If you don't like Adam Phillips's movies you are:
A) Missing the mental capacity to spell a simple 3-letter word without including a number or mis-used capitalization, and are, therefore, mad because you couldn't understand it.
B)Not really lacking intelligence, just ticked because this has been on the Top 10 for ages.
C)Just not into fantasy.
D)A violence-crazed sex-addicted lunatic.
or E)Don't want to look like you like it because of the graphics.
That's all.